Wednesday, January 25, 2012

You Had Me at Bacon!

First of all, did you miss me??  Oh my cheese and biscuits, life has been crazy.  I planned a huge party for my other half's birthday (which coincidentally will be the focus of several of my upcoming entries), had family in town (also referred to as my workforce for planning of said party), and of course, the baby got sick.  I know you're like blah, blah-blah, blahdida.  But listen.  Is it just me or do you feel like you've been hit by a fully loaded bus when you're up through the night once you've passed about the 6 month mark?  Baby is a few weeks shy of the year mark and this up in the night thing is getting old!  Just smile and nod and I'll be on my way to the bacon.  You know that's why you're still reading.

Let me admit that I have a slight bacon *ahem* addiction problem.  I need to back up.  I read (yes, for pleasure) cookbooks, cooking magazines, and cooking blogs.  And, I WILL TRY ANYTHING that has bacon as an ingredient.  I have made cupcakes with bacon, yes - cupcakes!  And, oh my holy frying pan, those things were deeeeeviiiiiine! 

Soooo, while planning the menu for the party, I came across these little balls of goodness and  I ignored the smallish fact that other half despises goat cheese (I mean really, one thing for me has to be ok, right?). 

Here's the lowdown.  You get cake pop sticks (umm, who doesn't have these on hand?  really?  because I have like 2 bajillion) and form small - think size of the end of your thumb- balls around the end of the sticks.  I made one batch of the recipe and ended up with about 18.

Pop the pops in the freezer for 20 minutes or so to firm up.  While they are firming, you cook the bacon and mix it with the other toppings (pecans and herbs).

When the pops are done chilling, take them out of the freezer and roll them in the bacon mixture.  I used my hands to make sure the bacon topping was sticking to the cheese as well as rounding the ball. 

These were definitely a hit at the party and I ADORED how they turned out!

Love, love, love them!  The party was a scotch and cigar thing, so I used cigar boxes for all of the food display.  (I'm pretty positive that was a Pinterest find as well - more posts to come)! 

Don't worry; I'll be back soon!  There just might be another crafty attempt in the near future (with wine bottles - I don't know why I torture myself...)!

1 comment:

  1. I love your commentary--feel like you're right in front of me telling me about it! And, I'll admit...I'm one of "those people" who has 0 (count it---big fat zero) cake pop sticks at my house! That doesn't surprise you though, right? :)
