Sunday, June 2, 2013

Oatmeal - Not Just for Granny!

First of all, I am an oatmeal fan.  My kids are oatmeal fans.  We leave at the crack of dawn (during daylight savings time, it's still dark) and I love being able to give the kids a decent breakfast without spending time in the morning on it; I refuse to wake up before 5.  It's just not normal.  This baked oatmeal recipe can be cooked anytime and reheated.  Score and score.

It does have some brown sugar and butter in it, but when you factor in the per serving amounts, it's acceptable for my relatively healthy standards.  (It definitely beats cereal and cereal bars).  I love that it's quick and easy to make and I love that it's versatile enough to use what you have on hand. I typically use fresh fruit, but frozen is fine as well.  If you're like me and have frozen bananas in the freezer, you can kind of mash them in the mixture instead of having them sliced on top. Thanks to this awesome post we always have a healthy, warm breaky!

PS - I double the recipe and bake in a greased 13x9. 



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